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Workshops and retreats of Kundalini Yoga and Kundalini Dance Meditation


Meu nome é Fernanda Zanini, sou astróloga e coordeno práticas e estudos sobre a integralidade do feminino, nossas vivências acontecem desde 2011 através do grupo “Flor de Maria, a arte do sagrado profano”. Por duas vezes tivemos a honra de contar com a Patrícia Lima como professora convidada, levando ao grupo o Kundalini Dance Meditation. Desde que conheci a Patrícia sabia que o “Flor” teria muito para receber dela, por sua maturidade, feminilidade e generosidade explícitas em seus atos e palavras, e quando a prática aconteceu foi só a confirmação de que estava certa. É difícil colocar em palavras o que só o corpo sabe exprimir, mas diria que esta experiência desperta o essencial: leveza, profundidade e, especialmente, coragem de darmos espaço à espontaneidade. Através do Kundalini Dance Meditation fomos guiadas por um caminho que partiu de nossos movimentos mais instintivos (energia, vontade, força) e nos levou até a dança da respiração (entrega, encontro, silêncio). Espero que muitas, mas muitas mulheres mesmo, possam experimentar desta experiência de encontro com o Amor.

Fernanda Zanini, astróloga, coordenadora do grupo "Flor de Maria"

O que se pode dizer quando dançamos com as deusas e rodopiamos até que elas sejam nós e nós sejamos elas? Quando nos tornamos água e ar, fogo e terra e somos conduzidas em uma experiência de amor até nos tornarmos o próprio amor?Da minha parte, só posso dizer: Muito grata, Patty Lima! Que as deusas te iluminem pra sempre!


- Irani Dias de Menezes, 60 anos, historiadora



Kundalini Dance Meditation é uma experiência única e transcendental,que nos põe em contato com nossa realidade maior, seja dançando com os elementos da natureza em nós, seja despertando o pulso adequado de cada um de nossos chacras, tudo isso por meio do nosso movimento próprio e natural, criando uma conexão profunda com a nossa mente, o nosso corpo, nossa respiração, nossa essência divina. Essa linda experiência é orientada por Patty Lima, uma incrível yoguini que nos lembra a leveza e o encantamento do movimento e do momento presente.


- Aline Angusso, 30 anos, secretária executiva


The Kundalini Dance Meditation awakened my soul to a magical beautiful world. I changed my career and lifestyle.

Kundalini Dance Meditation changed my life! And I am so grateful to Patricia!



Andrea Duarte - holistic therapist


“Patricia helped me with her incredible energy and wisdom.
Before her, I was a quiet girl that was used to swallow everything and keep all those bad feelings in myself.
I was having a hard time adapting to a new school, at home with my parents getting divorced, and in my career as a professional swimmer. I suffered from bullying. 
Patricia started an incredible work with me. When I was with her, I always felt in a hug that if anything happens I was 100% sure that I could run to her to talk, listen or sometimes just the energy of a Reiki session.
She taught me to look into myself, to be always connected (somehow) with nature, with the earth and sun. I started to learn and discover who I really am.
I am so grateful for every little and huge things that she has done to me.

Andressa Bachner- Student

“Patricia taught me that I could be and do what I wanted in my career and my life because I am my own master.

It wasn't an easy job but she with her skills gave me the tools to work on my mind and keep my high performance.

I reached my goal and represented my country in the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

Nowadays we have been working my shift from career and my identity as a woman and not an athlete anymore. I am definitely a better person and much more conscious of my personality traits, behaviors and actions.

Rayssa Costa – Olympic Fencing Athlete

Participating in Patricia’s Kundalini Dance Meditation at Petalusa in São Paulo was a unique opportunity to get in touch with my body and expression. Patricia is a great host and I felt immediately comfortable and welcomed when I arrived. She is very delicate and careful and you can sense the love in every detail. Starting from a small flower, a message at the entrance, the music in the background and the tea carefully chosen. The combination of mediation, breathing practice, yoga, and dance was perfect for me to realize that every activity can be meditative as long as you do it with presence. Although the dance meditation is an “individual diving”, Patricia enabled harmony in the group where we could feel and support each other with respect and compassion. After the workshop, I felt my body light as a feather and energized like a seed sprouting. Patricia definitely knows how to integrate different arts in a experience for body and soul.


- Juliane Pfeiffer, entrepreneur and author of "De Dentro Pra Fora"


 "Meditation is a way of settling in oneself, at the innermost core of your being. Once you have found the center of your existence, you will have found both your roots and your wings.

The roots are in existence, making you a more integrated human being, an individual. And the wings are in the fragrance that is released by being in contact with existence. The fragrance consists of freedom, love, compassion, authenticity, sincerity, a sense of humor, and a tremendous feeling of blissfulness.

The roots make you an individual, and the wings give you the freedom to love, to be creative, to share unconditionally the joy that you have found. The roots and wings come together. They are two sides of one experience, and that experience is finding the center of your being." - Osho



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